Fitness Test

Does Data Mesh fit to me? Am I fit for Data Mesh?

Data Mesh is something new. That's why there are hardly any best practices and experience reports from the industry. Whether data mesh is really a sensible approach for your company can only be determined with a more detailed analysis. But with a few questions you can quickly get an indication in advance. That's why we present here a partial list of heuristics that can help you assess whether Data Mesh makes sense or is at least worth thinking about for your company. We have deliberately avoided a scoring approach, because such a thing always has its weaknesses, and instead worked on an unsorted list of topics with a rough classification of self-assessments into the three response categories "rather not", "worth thinking about" or "useful". This will give you a sense of how ready your company is for Data Mesh.

Usage: Go through it row by row. Click on the statement that best represents your company. Your selection is only stored in your local browser.

Data Mesh Fitness Test for INSERT_NAME_HERE

Data Mesh might not be the right choice Data Mesh is worth thinking about Data Mesh seems useful
Domain-driven Design Is unknown or does not matter Partially known and understood Is understood by all. There are bounded contexts and context maps Don't know
Verticalization of the software system based on domains No. There is a monolith for the entire business The transformation to microservices has begun The software system consists of domain-oriented microservices Don't know
Number of software development teams <= 5 > 5 > 10 Don't know
Make-or-buy strategy for the core domains Standard software (SAP, SaaS, etc.) A mix of standard and individual software Only individual software Don't know
Cloud computing No issue, many concerns In the midst of cloud transformation / hybrid cloud We are cloud native Don't know
Team structure Separate front-end, back-end and operations teams Mixed teams consisting of specialists Small cross-functional teams, supported by a platform team Don't know
Trust Micromanagement by leaders Control through goals Teams and employees are trusted to do the right thing Don't know
DevOps culture What is CI/CD? We are establishing a DevOps culture We are living the DevOps principles Don't know
Product Thinking Thinking in terms of projects. Roadmaps dictate implementation Product development is attempted, but fails due to management Autonomous product teams that (further) develop their products themselves Don't know
Competitive advantage through ML and analytics Not in focus Potential is recognized and first lighthouse projects have been launched Data-driven product development is strong Don't know
Central data team as a bottleneck The data team handles all requests at a reasonable speed Analysis results often take several weeks or months Product owners don't ask analysis questions in the first place Don't know

Other Data Mesh self-assessments